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Where can I find statements and other documents related to Flexible Cash Funds?

To get a monthly statement:

  1. Go to 'Treasury' on the main menu (if you're not on the new app interface, go to 'Hub')
  2. Open 'Savings & Funds'
  3. Select 'Statement' to get monthly statements for your Flexible Cash Funds portfolio

To find the Fund Manager documents:

If you're on the new app interface:

  1. Go to 'Treasury' on the main menu
  2. Open 'Savings & Funds'
  3. Choose the Flexible Cash Funds portfolio you want to view the documents for
  4. Click 'Details'
  5. Select the document to download

If you're not on the new app interface:

  1. Go to 'Hub' and select 'Savings'
  2. Choose the Flexible Cash Funds portfolio you want to view the documents for
  3. Click the three dots '...' on the top-right
  4. Select 'Regulatory documents' to get T&Cs, Investors Insurance Scheme, Risk Disclosure, Key Information Document, and Prospectus

Learn more about the Fund Manager via Fidelity's website.

To check if you're on the new app interface, see this FAQ.