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Просто поставете въпроса си по-долу, за да получите отговор.

Към кои държави мога да изпратя картов превод?

Supported countries and currencies

We support transfers to cards in over 90 countries and 70 currencies. To check your available options:

  1. Go to 'Payments' on the bottom menu
  2. Tap 'New' ('+' symbol in the top-right corner)
  3. Select 'Send international' feature and choose 'Card' as transfer method

Supported card types

You can send to most debit, credit, and in a few instances, prepaid debit cards issued by Visa or Mastercard.

If a bank doesn't accept transfers to a card, we'll let you know in-app, and you won't be able to save the card recipient. Alternatively, you can try sending a bank transfer instead.