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How long does the dispute process take?

To track the progress of your dispute and view expected timeframes:

  • Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Tap 'Help' and choose 'Active requests'
  • Select the relevant dispute for more details

The vast majority (up to 85%) of disputes are resolved within 5 weeks. However, complex cases may take up to 12 weeks. Since the process is regulated, we can't speed up the decision of your case.

Step 1: Initial assessment

You fill out a form to initiate the dispute. If we need more information, we'll reach out to you. After this, we will come to an initial decision.

Possible outcomes of the initial assessment:

  • Dispute is successful — you get a refund
  • Dispute is declined or cancelled — you are not refunded and case is closed
  • Raise case to merchant — case is still open and proceeds to step 2

Step 2: Merchant review

If the initial assessment results in the case being raised to the merchant, the merchant will have 30 days (for Visa transactions) or 45 days (for Mastercard transactions) to respond.

Possible outcomes:

  • Merchant agrees or is unresponsive, dispute is successful — you get a refund
  • Merchant disagrees — case is still open and proceed to step 3

Step 3: Second assessment

If the merchant disagrees with the case, we will review their evidence within 5 days and come to a decision.

Possible outcomes:

  • Dispute is declined or cancelled — you are not refunded and case is closed
  • Raise a case to merchant again — case is still open and process to step 4

Step 4: Final assessment

If the case is raised again to the merchant, they will be given additional time to respond. After 20 days, we will make a final decision from our side.

Possible outcomes:

  • Dispute is successful — you get a refund
  • Dispute is declined or cancelled — you are not refunded and case is closed
  • Case is unresolved — case is still open and escalated to Visa or Mastercard for review, up to 40 more days for a final outcome