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How much does it cost to accept card payments on a Merchant account?

We’ll charge a processing fee per received card payment that varies based on the country and type of card the customer pays you with. There are two main types of cards: consumer cards, issued for personal use, or commercial cards, issued for a business account. See our pricing page for details.

We've defined three different fees which apply to each transaction:

  • UK Visa and Mastercard consumer cards: 1% + £0.20
  • UK American Express consumer cards: 1.7% + £0.20
  • Commercial cards and commercial/consumer cards issued outside the UK: 2.8% + £0.20

We also offer custom plans to suit your specific business needs. Speak to our team to learn more.

To see how much you've been charged for a particular payment, click on the specific transaction in the Transactions tab of your Merchant account. Then check the full details on that transaction, including any applicable fees.