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What credentials should I use to log in to Revolut POS on iPad?

When logging in to Revolut POS, you'll be asked for your Revolut Businesses login info. Please use the same email and password you use for logging in to Revolut Business on web (please note: your password is not the 4 digit code you use for Revolut Business).

You'll then be asked to confirm your log in via the Revolut Business app:

  • if you don't have the app on your mobile phone, you'll be prompted to download it with the link sent to the phone number linked to your Revolut Business account
  • if you have the app installed on your mobile phone, you'll receive a push notification from Revolut Business to confirm your login.

When you log in to the POS app for the first time, Revolut Business will ask you to authorise the app to accept payments via Revolut Business. Once you hit Authorise, you'll be able to access your register.

You might have log in again with your Revolut Business info after 7 days.