Is my data secure with Clear Books?
Clear Books is ISO27001 certified and follows all the standards of that policy.
Clear Books is also proudly registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as an Account Information Services Provider (register no. 843585).
Clear Books is committed to the principles inherent in the GDPR and particularly to the concept of privacy by design, the right to be forgotten, consent and a risk-based approach. In addition, we aim to ensure:
- Clarity regarding the use of data
- That any processing is lawful, fair, and necessary for a specific purpose
- That data is accurate, kept accurate, and removed when no longer necessary
- That data is kept safely and securely.
For more information about Clear Books security click here.
What data is shared between Revolut Business and Clear Books?
Clear Books will receive data on the statuses of draft payments created through the Revolut Business integration. They will not receive data on any payments that they did not initially create as drafts.
Clear Books will share draft payment details to Revolut as part of the integration:
- Payment recipient name, address, and bank account details
- Payment amount, currency, and reference