How does the Make integration work?
The integration can be installed from the Make environment by clicking “Connect my Revolut Business account”. You will then be redirected to Revolut Business to authorise Make to create Draft Payments on your behalf before being re-directed to confirm the connection was successful.
For guidance on using the Revolut Business integration within Make, please see guide
- You must log in to Revolut Business' web environment to authorise Draft Payments. You're not able to authorise payments directly from the Make environment or Revolut Business mobile app.
- Only users with relevant payment authorisation permissions can execute payments created by Make. The same payment rules apply as for normal payments.
- You can upload a maximum of 50 transfers in one draft payment from Make.
- There are no limits for the maximum amount you can include for a single payment.
- Draft Payments can only be created in a single currency, you cannot mix payments of different currencies.