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Editing expenses details

Edit an expense as a submitter

Before an expense is submitted and sent to the approver, you can edit the details (like re-uploading a receipt, or changing the category, description, or labels). Once the expense is sent to the approver, it can't be edited.

Edit an expense as an approver

Before an expense is approved, you can only edit the fields mentioned on-screen (like the category, description, or labels). Once you approve an expense, you won't be able to edit the details.

To make changes to an approved expense:

  • Go to 'Expenses' (on mobile: tap your profile in the top-left corner, then 'Expenses')
  • Select the completed expense that you want to edit
  • Click the '...' in the top-right, and then 'Revert decision'
  • The expense moves back to 'Expense info required' and you can now edit the details

If the expense was previously exported to your accounting software, we'll update it to avoid creating duplicate expenses.