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How to earn RevPoints with Pockets

Points Pocket

Points Pocket is a special type of Pocket that allows you to earn additional points every day, as long as you maintain a minimum balance in your account for the day. Points Pocket isn't an account or deposit. It is a sub-account of your Revolut account.

For further information on sub-accounts, please take a look at your Personal Terms.

How to earn RevPoints through a Points Pocket:

  • Subscribe to RevPoints and accept its Terms and Conditions
  • Open a Points Pocket (see below)
  • Keep a minimum balance daily in your Points Pocket

How do I know the minimum balance I need to earn points?

The balance you need to maintain — and the points you can earn depending on certain balance amounts — will be displayed in-app before you decide to open a Points Pocket. Just slide the carousel to discover all the available rewards.

You can also access these details by opening the Points Pocket and checking the Pocket details section for more details.

How do I open a Points Pocket?

  • Go to the home screen
  • Tap 'Accounts'
  • Tap 'Add new'
  • Tap 'Pockets'
  • Choose the 'Points' Pocket type and tap 'Create Pocket'
  • Add at least the minimum balance required to the Points Pocket and hit 'Activate Reward'

Alternatively, you can:

  • Go to 'RevPoints' on the bottom menu
  • Select 'RevPoints' (top-right icon)
  • Select 'Points Pocket' and choose 'Create Pocket' at the bottom

What happens if I withdraw my balance?

You can withdraw your balance at any time.

  • If the money left after your withdrawal is still above the balance threshold you had been keeping prior to the withdrawal, you'll continue to receive the same RevPoints at the end of each day
  • If your remaining balance is lower than that threshold, but above the minimum balance required to earn points (minimum points), you'll receive reduced RevPoints (corresponding to the lower threshold) at the end of each day
  • If your remaining balance is lower than all the balance thresholds, including the minimum balance required, you won't receive RevPoints at the end of the day

You'll only receive RevPoints if your balance at the end of the day is equal to or higher than the minimum balance thresholds. If you increase your balance to cross the next threshold, you will start receiving a higher RevPoints amount from the next day.

Your RevPoints are valid for 3 years. They can only be redeemed and used by the account holder. For more information, visit our RevPoints T&Cs that are fully applicable to this initiative, namely any change will follow the rules set on these terms.