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Set up the Xero integration

Every few hours, we post all completed transactions from your Revolut accounts into Xero. You can set up the integration to match existing Revolut accounts in Xero (if you're already manually importing statements) or you can tell Revolut to create new accounts in Xero. If you choose to create accounts in Xero, we'll sync all future transactions. If you choose to match existing accounts, we'll also sync all previous transactions.

Set up a Xero integration

  • Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Access the 'Integrations' sub-menu
  • In the 'Accounting' category, click 'Add'
  • Select 'Xero' integration
  • Click 'Connect' next to 'Bank feed' and follow the instructions on-screen

If you use our Expenses tool, we will automatically export completed expenses (receipts, category, tax rate, and description) on top of the bank statements. This means that in Xero, you'll see both sides of the reconciliation screen (bank statements and account transactions) automatically filled in and the reconciliation process will become super-easy.