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Flexible Accounts low risk level and taxes

Your funds will be invested in a low volatility net asset value (LVNAV) money market fund, commonly used by banks and large corporations to safeguard against inflation. However, it's important to understand that your capital may be at risk if the net asset value (NAV) decreases and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) turns negative. We strongly advise reviewing our Description of services, financial instruments and risks document, the key information document (KID) and Fidelity's prospectus to understand the potential risks.

Investors should be aware of the following:

  • A money market fund isn't a guaranteed investment
  • Investing in a money market fund differs from bank deposits as there is a risk of losing part or all of the invested principal
  • Money market funds don't rely on external support to guarantee liquidity or stabilise the NAV per share
  • The investor bears the risk of principal loss

It's recommended to seek independent advice if you have any concerns about these risks. At Revolut Securities Europe UAB, we don't provide investment advice.

Tax responsibilities

Tax obligations on interest earned are managed as per the applicable legal requirements:

  • We'll withhold or levy taxes only if legally required. If this happens, you'll see it in your transaction's details in-app
  • We don't proactively process or send your tax payments to tax authorities

At Revolut, we don't advise on tax matters.

Understanding tax deductions on interest earned

Interest earned on Flexible Accounts may be subject to taxes based on your residency and personal circumstances. In some jurisdictions, to ensure compliance with applicable laws, managing taxes on interest may be the responsibility of the fund manager.