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Why aren’t my contactless payments working?

Reset your card's contactless limit

In the Revolut mobile app:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Tap the cards icon in the top-right corner
  • Select your card
  • Tap 'Settings'
  • Scroll down and make sure 'Contactless payments' are enabled
  • If the 'Contactless limit' is reached, tap 'Reset'

If that doesn’t work:

  • Check if the card is activated: Select the card in the cards section and tap 'Activate now', choose 'I have my card', or make a PIN purchase, then retry the payment
  • If you used Apple Pay or Google Pay: Re-add the card to your wallet or create a new virtual card, then retry the payment
  • Check for card damage: If the physical card is damaged or worn out, it may not work. You can order a replacement by selecting the damaged card in the cards section and tapping 'Replace card'