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Change business name

Your business name can be either your official business name, or the trading name of your business.

To change these details, your Revolut Business account must be fully active and you must not have any active requests for information from us.

Business name

To update your business name, reach out to Revolut Business Support via the in-app chat. You must provide a registry extract, or other supporting documents, showing the new business name.

Trading name

You must have a manage business permission as part of your role. To request a change to your trading name:

  • Go to 'Home' on the main menu
  • Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Click 'Business account'
  • Open 'Business profile'
  • Go to 'Business details' and click 'Edit'