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Meine Kontodaten und IBAN

Find your account details

  1. Go to 'Home' on the main menu
  2. On web: click your balance. On mobile: tap 'Accounts'
  3. Select your desired currency account
  4. Click on the 'Details' option

You'll find your intermediary's BIC under the 'Global · SWIFT' tab.

What account details are available in my Revolut Business account?

All Revolut Business customers registered within the European Economic Area (EEA) can access the following account types and details:

  • GBP local account sort code and account number
  • EUR local account (LT IBAN for domestic transfers within the EEA)

If your account has been migrated to the local branch, you'll also get access to a local account with a local IBAN for domestic EUR transfers within the EU.

For all other currency accounts, SWIFT account details for international transfers (no local account details).