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Wie kann ich meine Geschäftsführerstruktur nachweisen?

To find out what documents we accept when confirming your company’s directors, go to your application menu and you’ll see them outlined there (you can also see them listed below).

The documents must contain the names of all directors of your company, and dated as mentioned:

  • Registry extract (Handelsregisterauszug) [not older than last 3 months]
  • Certificate of Incorporation (Gründungsurkunde / Gründungsvertrag) [most up-to-date copy, but not older than 3 years]
  • Articles of Association / Memorandum of Association / Articles of Incorporation (Gesellschaftervertrag / Gesellschaftsvertrag) [most up-to-date copy, but not older than 3 years]

We might require you to provide a copy of the documents notarised as a true copy. However, the notarisation requirement will be waived, if you share with us a link which includes these documents (must not request any payment or login prompts).

We aim to review your documents within 24 hours and we'll let you know if we need any more information. Keep in mind that the documents we can accept depend on the complexity of your company and/or the documents you’ve uploaded previously.

Directors also need to pass their identity verification. See requirements for directors and beneficial owners.