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Is there a fee associated with crypto staking?

Revolut's staking rewards commission varies depending on the asset being staked and the amount of the active stake balance. The commission helps us cover the costs associated with staking. For example, running the validator nodes via a third party.

Current commission rates:

  • Ether: 15% if your active stake balance exceeds 5 ETH, 35% if your active staked balance is less than 5 ETH
  • Cardano: 20% if your active stake balance exceeds 10,000 ADA, 35% if your active staked balance is less than 10,000 ADA
  • Polkadot: 25% if your active stake balance exceeds 500 DOT, 35% if your active staked balance is less than 500 DOT
  • Tezos: 30% if your active stake balance exceeds 1,000 XTZ, 35% if your active stake balance is less than 1,000 XTZ
  • Solana: 20% if your active stake balance exceeds 100 SOL, 35% if your active stake balance is less than 100 SOL
  • Polygon: 20% if your active stake balance exceeds 5,000 POL, 35% if your active stake balance is less than 5,000 POL

The APY displayed in-app already reflects this commission. You won't be charged any additional fees for rewards you receive in-app.