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Can I cancel or edit a card order?

You can cancel or edit your card order within 1-hour of placing it.

Cancel a card order

In the Revolut mobile app:

  1. Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  2. Tap the cards icon in the top-right corner
  3. Choose the card you wish to cancel
  4. Tap 'Edit or cancel'
  5. Select 'Cancel order' and 'Yes, cancel'

The card order fees will be returned to your account in 1 business day.

Edit the delivery details of your card order

In the Revolut mobile app:

  1. Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  2. Tap the cards icon in the top-right corner
  3. Choose the card you wish to cancel
  4. Tap 'Edit or cancel'
  5. Next to 'Delivery address', tap 'Edit' and update your delivery address

After the 1-hour ordering window, you won’t be able to edit or cancel the card order.