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Which Revolut companies provide me with services?

Which Revolut entity provides you with our services depends on where you are located.

Each company listed below, which provides you with a Revolut product, is a controller of your personal data. When you receive Revolut products through a branch of a Revolut company, the company itself is a controller of your personal data, but your branch is not.

Personal services

If you have a personal account in the EEA:

  • Current account services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Plus, Premium, and Metal or Ultra services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Promotions (e.g. product trials) services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Revolut <18 services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Airport Lounges services are provided by Revolut Ltd
  • Savings Vaults services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Travel insurance services are provided by Revolut Insurance Europe UAB
  • Purchase, Refund, and Ticket Cancellation Insurance services are provided by Revolut Insurance Europe UAB
  • Car Insurance services are provided by Revolut Insurance Europe UAB
  • Cryptocurrency services are provided by Revolut Ltd or RT Digital Securities Cyprus Limited depending on your location but customers in the EEA will gradually migrate to RTDSCL
  • Precious Metals services are provided by Revolut Ltd
  • Stays services are provided by Revolut Ltd
  • Trading services are provided by Revolut Securities Europe UAB
  • Instant Access Savings are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Credit services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB
  • Account Switching services are provided by Revolut Bank UAB