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Duplicate account

You can only have one personal and one Business account associated with the same phone number and email address per our T&Cs.

You can't have two accounts, even if they are in two different countries. If you're moving countries, go to this FAQ in our Help Centre.

How to close a duplicate account

If you have access to both accounts:

  • Log in to the account you wish to close on our mobile app
  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Tap 'Account'
  • Scroll down and tap 'Close account'
  • Once the duplicate account is closed, your other account should function properly, and you can change the phone number or email if needed

If you only have access to one account:

  • Log in on our mobile app
  • Request live support by typing 'Live agent' in the chat
  • Once the other account is closed, you'll be able to switch your current account to the desired phone number and/or email

If you can't log in at all:

  • Open the Revolut app on your mobile device
  • Dismiss your old phone number login if you're prompted
  • Tap 'Log in'
  • Tap 'Lost access to my phone number'
  • Follow the prompts — you may be asked for a one-time passcode, to take a selfie, or to take a picture of an ID

You have a Revolut <18 account

Once you turn 18, you can open a personal account. Your parent or guardian must close your <18 account first. Visit this FAQ to learn how to close the <18 account.