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Wie kann ich eine mutmaßlich betrügerische Überweisung melden?

If you suspect you've made a transfer to a fraudster, here's what you can do:

  • Block the merchant or recipient you suspect is fraudulent — ceasing communication is essential
  • Contact the financial institution where your account is held. If it's Revolut, please contact us immediately via the in-app chat or email
  • Notify the police

Before getting in touch with us about transfers to external  bank accounts and other Revolut customers, here's what you can do to safeguard your account:

Report the transfer as fraudulent in-app:

  1. Select the transfer in question from your 'transaction history'
  2. 'Get help'
  3. 'Report this transfer as fraud'

Cancel your transfer in-app:

Select the transfer to view the transfer tracker and see if it's eligible for cancellation. If the transfer is eligible, you’ll see a 'Cancel' button.

For more information about fraudulent transfers, you can visit this page on our website.

If you suspect you've made a fraudulent card payment, you can refer to this page for troubleshooting steps.