Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;

Απλά στείλτε την ερώτησή σας παρακάτω για να λάβετε απάντηση.

Why did my identity verification fail?

To successfully verify your identity, we need a clear live photo, captured from your smartphone. Please make sure all corners of the document are clearly visible, don't hold your fingers on the information on your ID document. See requirements for identity verification.

The most popular reasons why identity verification can fail:

  • Photo is too blurry and shaken
  • Uploaded a scanned picture
  • You've taken a photo of the picture shown on the screen
  • The document uploaded is expired and not valid anymore
  • ID provided doesn't match your personal details, or belongs to another person
  • Only part of the document is visible, or a corner is outside the picture
  • Picture has watermarks

If you experience issues with the mobile app or phone, try reinstalling the app or using another smartphone.

We can't accept documents mentioned below:

  • Estonian e-residency card
  • Ukrainian biometric passport
  • Handwritten Italian ID
  • Forged documents