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Trading limit orders

A limit order is an instruction to buy or sell a stock at a specified price or better. Buy limit orders execute at the specified price or lower, while sell limit orders execute at the specified price or higher. Execution is possible during open market hours and extended hours (read these FAQs to learn more about extended hours trading). It isn't guaranteed and depends on the stock price reaching your set limit. Trading fractional shares on limit orders isn't supported at the moment.

How buy limit orders work

When you place a buy limit order, you specify the maximum price per share you're willing to pay. For instance, if stock X is trading at $5 per share, and you set a buy limit order at $4, your order will execute (partially or fully) if the price drops to $4 or below. If the price doesn't drop to $4, your order will not execute.

How sell limit orders work

With a sell limit order, you set the minimum price per share at which you're willing to sell. For example, if stock X is trading at $5 per share, and you set a sell limit order at $6, your order will execute (partially or fully) if the price rises to $6 or higher. If the price doesn't rise to $6, your order won't execute.

Placing a limit order

To place a limit order in your Revolut app:

  • Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu
  • Select your desired instrument and tap 'Trade'
  • Choose 'Buy' and select 'Limit order' from the dropdown menu
  • Enter your desired limit price

Good till cancelled orders

Good till cancelled (GTC) orders are supported, allowing you to set expiry dates up to 6 months. You can choose to expire:

  • On the same day
  • In 90 days
  • In 6 months
  • On a custom date within the next 6 months

If the expiry date falls on a market holiday, your order will be cancelled at the end of the day on the previous trading day.