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How to verify identities of business owners?

We verify identities of all directors and major beneficial owners of the company through ownership stake, voting rights, or any other means of direct/indirect control. The account applicant will add directors and beneficial owners in the application process. Then applicants can either:

  • add their personal details on their behalf. You'll need to have all the details listed below ready for each major business owner to complete the application process
  • OR invite directors/beneficial owners to verify identities themselves. You'll enter their email address, and we'll send an invitation for them to verify their identities and confirm the Revolut Business account application

As a minimum, we'll require the following details:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth (over 18 years old)
  • Residential address (at least one beneficial owner must reside in Australia)
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Nationality

In certain cases we might also require:

  • Passport or driving licence
  • Selfie
  • Document proving person's right to reside in a region