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Bank transfer fees

Sending a bank transfer

Local bank transfers: We never charge for a bank transfer if it's sent to an account in your country and sent in your country's local currency.

International transfers: We don't charge for a bank transfer inside the SEPA region. Outside this region, a small fee is charged. We'll always show you our fees before you send a bank transfer in-app.

Check our international Fees page for more information.

Paid plan discounts on international transfer fees

  • Premium: 20% discount
  • Metal: 40% discount
  • Ultra: 100% discount (no transfer fees)

Fees charged by other banks: When your money is in transit, intermediary banks are used to complete the transaction and might charge a fee. Revolut doesn't have visibility or control over these fees.

Receiving a bank transfer

Revolut doesn't charge any fees for adding money via bank transfer to your account. However, there are non-Revolut fees that can be charged:

  • Your bank might charge a fee for sending a transfer. Contact them if you ever want to know more or clarify anything about their fees
  • For international (SWIFT) transfers, your external bank may apply fees. Intermediary banks may also charge handling fees of around $15 - $50

If your transfer is in a currency not supported by Revolut, your bank may convert the transfer at their exchange rate, which may lead to a currency conversion fee. That's why to avoid fees, we recommend using local details and supported countries and currencies, which you can check in this article.