Card Security Settings
Go to Cards section, by tapping the card icon in the top right → select the card and tap on ⚙️"Settings" to adjust the settings for each of your cards at any time.
Online transactions
Block internet-based transactions to add extra security. In person physical card payments using and Apple or Google Pay transactions will not be affected.
Location-based security
If this setting is turned on, Revolut will use your phone’s GPS to help prevent fraudulent transactions. Location sharing must be allowed. Check this FAQ to learn more about location-based security.
Swipe payments
Disable mag-stripe/swipe payments to prevent fraudulent transactions or cloning. This will limit your card to chip and pin or contactless.
ATM withdrawal
Disabling ATM withdrawals will block all cash withdrawal attempts.
Contactless payments
Disable contactless payments for your physical card. Mobile wallets like Apple or Google will still work.
Contactless payments limit
Revolut keeps your account safe by creating a limit for contactless payments. You can reset this limit by using chip and PIN or tapping on "Reset limit" in the ⚙️ "Settings" section of your card.