Cryptocurrencies and networks available for withdrawals
We only support sending certain cryptocurrencies on certain blockchain networks.
Examples of supported currencies and networks
- BTC transfers on the Bitcoin network
- ETH, USDC, and MATIC on the Ethereum network
- USDT on both the Ethereum and TRON networks
- XRP on the Ripple network
- SOL on the Solana network
If you try to send on a network not supported by the wallet you're trying to send to, you might lose your crypto.
View tokens available for withdrawals
To see the full list of available tokens in-app:
- Go to 'Crypto' on the bottom menu
- Tap 'Send'
- You'll see the full list of tokens you can send to an external wallet. Select the one you want to withdraw, and select an address you want to send to
- Select the amount you want to send
You'll be able to see the network you're about to send on, as well as any other available networks you can use to send your crypto on.