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Sending money to Revolut users not in my contact list

In case you want to send money to a Revolut user not in your contact list, you have a few options:

  • Add to contacts: Add a new contact by pressing the (+) in the top right-hand corner. Follow the instructions and refresh your contacts by pulling down the list. They should appear instantly with a blue 'R' next to their picture. Before completing the transfer, please ensure that the recipient currently is using the saved contact number to access their Revolut account;
  • Search by Revtag: In case you do not have the mobile number, search for the Revtag of the user in the search bar, click on 'Show Revtag results-people not in your contacts' to find the correct Revtag and send the payment;
  • QR code: In the payments page, click on the 'QR code' on the top right to open your QR code scanner. Ask your friend to follow the same path, but click on 'My code' option, so you can scan their QR code;
  • Ask user to share link: Your intended recipient can also share their unique payment link, available on the 'My code' screen.