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How can I call Revolut?

If you need phone support, you can let us know via our in-app chat. If your query is eligible for a call, we'll guide you through organising one with a phone support agent. Otherwise, we'll do our best to help you in the chat.

To start a chat, follow these simple steps in-app:

Go to your Profile (top-left icon with your initials or picture) → select 'Help' → select a topic → choose an article → if that doesn't help with your query, select 'Chat with us'.

You'll be connected to our Chat Assistant bot. If that doesn’t help with your query, type 'Live agent', and you'll be redirected to one of our support agents.

Our phone support is offered in English only.

Ultra customers can access our 24/7 outbound phone support service directly in-app. Support is offered in English only. You can find more information in this FAQ in our Help Centre.