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Pending trading orders

After you submit a trade, it goes into a pending status. It will remain pending until it's executed or cancelled. How long it remains pending will depend on the type of order, time placed, and specific conditions you may have provided at the time of entry. The broker may ultimately reject a pending order. Execution is never guaranteed.

When can an order be pending:

  • A market order (or any other type of order) is submitted outside of market open hours. If placed outside market hours, this order type will remain pending until the market opens
  • A stop or limit order has been submitted, but the target price hasn't been reached

Check this FAQ to learn more about these types of orders.

View pending orders on any stock

In your Revolut app:

  • Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu, or to 'Portfolio' if you are using the Invest app. See this FAQ to learn more about Invest app
  • Scroll down to 'Orders'
  • Tap on an order to see its details

Cancel a pending order

  • Tap the order you'd like to cancel
  • Select the 'Cancel' button

You can't cancel or reverse an order that's been executed.