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Shops allows you to make daily purchases with your favourite brands and get RevPoints in return. Shops T&Cs and RevPoints T&Cs apply.

How to use Shops

  • Opt in to RevPoints
  • Go to 'RevPoints' on the bottom menu
  • Tap in 'Shops'
  • Scroll down and choose your favourite brands and start shopping

Shop Online

  • Search for a brand using the search bar or scrolling through Shops and tap on the chosen brand
  • Pay with your Revolut card directly or via Revolut card on Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal or RevPay (when a campaign is available)
  • We pay out RevPoints instantly, but in some cases, it may take a few days

Shop in-store

This section features brand spots that you can walk into and shop in-store with RevPoints

  • Check nearby stores on the map. You'll need to enable location sharing for the map to work correctly
  • Pick a store and tap on it to activate the RevPoints offer (some brands don’t require activation of offer)
  • Pay in-store with your Revolut card or via Revolut card on any digital wallet
  • We pay out RevPoints instantly but, in some cases, it may take a few days

Purchase isn’t eligible for RevPoints if the customer:

  • Paid online for an in-store offer
  • Paid in-store for an online offer
  • Hasn’t activated the offer in-app
  • Paid for an online purchase later than in 30 min