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Difficulty with SMS or email confirmation

Email verification not working

If you have not received the email with the confirmation link, here are a few things you can do:

  • Delete all recent Revolut emails
  • Make sure you're using the Revolut Business mobile app (black icon), not Revolut personal (white icon)
  • Check your spam folder
  • Add our domain '[email protected]' to your 'safe senders' list
  • Request and open the reset link in the same device and browser

Not receiving our SMS code?

  • Update the app in the App Store or Google Play Store
  • If you don't receive a code after 1 minute, click 'resend'
  • Quit the app and try again after a short while
  • If you're travelling abroad, check if you have data roaming activated on your device
  • You may want to contact your communications provider
  • Restart your device and clear browser cookies
  • Check you have the right phone number saved

If none of the above work, delete and re-install your Revolut Business app.