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Disabling access to Expenses

Disable Expenses for your team members

If you have permission to 'Manage team members' as part of your role, follow these steps to activate or deactivate a member's access to Expenses:

  • Go to 'Team' on the main menu
  • Select a team member and select 'Role'
  • Select 'View' to see the role assigned to this team member
  • In the 'General' section, select 'Expenses' and disable their permissions

You can only do this to team members assigned to a custom role. Find out how to assign a custom role to a team member in this FAQ.

Disable Expenses on your Business account

Alternatively, you can disable Expenses altogether. To do so:

In the web app:

  • Go to 'Expenses' on the main menu
  • Click on 'Settings'
  • Scroll down and choose 'Turn off expense tracking'

In the mobile app:

  • Go to 'Settings' by tapping on your profile in the top-left corner
  • Choose 'Expenses'
  • Select 'Settings'
  • Scroll down and choose 'Turn off expense tracking'