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Difficulty adding money with an easy bank transfer

If you are having trouble adding money via easy bank transfer, it may be due to one of the reasons below:


We only offer this feature from a certain list of local banks that support this type of payment. The list of banks offered depends on your Revolut account country, and not your nationality.

Authorisation not completed successfully

After selecting a bank, you'll be redirected to the bank's app or site to authorise the payment (in some cases via an intermediary partner's screen). If you fail or cancel the payment authorisation, the money will not arrive to your Revolut account.

External bank errors or rejections

  • Most errors encountered during payment authorisation are caused by the external banks' system
  • External bank rejections can also cause your payment to fail. This solely lies at the discretion of your external bank

In these cases, reach out to your external bank or try again later, as we don't have any control over the external bank availability and rejections.

Other non-technical issues

  • Account name mismatch: You can only add money with linked accounts if the name of your external account is the exact same as the one in your Revolut account. You can either change the name attached to your Revolut account or use a different bank account which has the correct name attached. To find out how to change the name on your Revolut account, read these FAQs
  • Insufficient funds: Double-check your current balance in the external bank account, and add more money if necessary
  • If you are requested to input an IBAN before being redirected to your external bank, ensure it's in the correct format and belongs to your external bank account