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Credit card statements

Your credit card statement is generated on the first day of each month. Your statement will detail your statement balance, minimum payment required, and payment due date. 

View your monthly statements

In your Revolut app: 

  1. Go to the 'Home' screen
  2. Below your balance, tap 'Accounts'
  3. Select your credit card
  4. Tap 'Statement'
  5. Select a month and tap 'View statement'

Statement balance

Your statement balance is the balance owed on your credit card on the last day of the prior month, including all transactions, fees, and interest.

Any unpaid balance may accrue interest after the due date. Read more in this FAQ about credit card balances.

Minimum payment due

The minimum amount due is 2.5% of your monthly statement balance or €10, whichever is greater.

If you don't pay the minimum balance, you may be charged a late fee, in addition to interest. Read more in this FAQ about interest and fees.