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Declined loan application

Loan applications can be declined for a number of reasons, depending on your individual circumstances.

Common reasons an application may be denied

  • You don't have a steady income, or if you do, it isn't enough to comfortably manage your loan obligations
  • You're either not employed, or we couldn't confirm regular income payments
  • You don't have a good credit history
  • You don't meet our basic eligibility criteria for income, age, etc. To learn more, visit this FAQ about eligibility

We are unable to provide specific reasons as to why an application was declined. We follow a set of guidelines to ensure responsible lending according to local regulations, but we can't disclose which rule applies to each rejected case.

Can I reapply if my application was declined?

If your application was declined, we don't recommend applying again unless your circumstances have changed or the previous application information was incorrect.