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MasterClass access

To access your MasterClass subscription (available to Metal and Ultra customers) in-app:

  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Select 'Your plan'
  • Scroll down until you see your plan's benefits and tap 'See all'
  • Select 'MasterClass' and follow the instructions to activate this benefit

Once that's done, you'll be subscribed to:

  • MasterClass Full Subscription (Ultra)
  • MasterClass Limited Subscription (Metal)

Subscription difficulty

If you're having issues with the promo code for MasterClass, request live support by typing 'Live agent' in the chat.

This benefit is available to Metal and Ultra customers in selected countries only. If you decide to end your subscription at any time, you'll automatically lose access to this benefit.

You can read more on our Plan Partnerships page.