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Promotional and free trials

How to activate promotions and free trials

Visit your notification centre or the 'Your plan' page. If an offer we’ve communicated to you about is still valid, you can activate it.

Enrolment into the plan

If you don't downgrade before the promotion period, trial period, or 14-day cooling off period ends, whichever is later, you'll be automatically subscribed to a monthly plan. Monthly billing will apply, and if you choose to downgrade to Standard, break fees may then apply depending on when you downgrade.

For more information, visit our Promotion T&Cs.

How to change or cancel the plan in-app

  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Tap 'Your plan' → 'Manage' → 'Change plan'
  • Choose your desired plan and follow the prompts to complete your plan change

Fees for downgrading

If you downgrade before the promotion, trial period, or 14-day cooling off period ends, whichever is later, the plan change will be immediate and you'll be refunded the full amount paid, minus:

  • The applicable fee if you ordered a plan-specific card
  • The applicable fee if you used any plan benefits

For fee details, refer to our paid plan T&Cs.