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Upload bills to Revolut

Revolut BillPay offers businesses multiple ways to add bills on both the mobile and web Revolut Business apps. Simply go to the 'Transfers' tab and select 'Scan a bill'.

Drag and drop invoices

Upload any PDF or JPG file by simply dragging and dropping the document into the marked section. The file will be scanned to create a new invoice within Revolut Business using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.

Email forwarding

Under the 'Scan a bill' tab, you'll find the email address you need to send bills to us. Only email addresses which are linked to your Revolut Business account can be used.

Auto pull

If your bills are already created in your accounting platform (for example, by your accountant), we'll automatically import the ones awaiting payment. To set this up in-app:

  • Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Select 'Integrations'
  • Choose your accounting software, e.g. Xero, Quickbooks Online, or FreeAgent
  • Connect bank feeds and bills

Your bills will then become available in your Revolut Business account. All uploaded bills will be generated as a draft transfer under the 'Transfers' tab. You can view and edit them before a payment is made.