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How do I close my account?

Though it's sad to see you leave, we're here to help you if you decide to close your account.

When you close your account, please make sure you meet the following termination requirements.

Termination requirements:

  • Update your app to the latest version
  • Clear every currency account
  • Clear your Savings Accounts
  • Downgrade your plan to Standard
  • Close your trading account
  • Have no pending transactions or active subscriptions
  • Have no active <18 account
  • Have no active insurance
  • Have no open chargeback requests

If your balance is too low to execute an external outbound transfer, you can choose to: 

  • Transfer funds to a Revolut friend via internal transfer
  • Donate the remaining funds to a desired charity. To donate, tap here

If your account balance is empty (including any cryptocurrency), there are no pending transactions or active subscriptions, and all other requirements are met, you should be able to terminate your Revolut account here.

Please ensure you download and keep any statements which you may need for future reference.

We'll send you closure confirmation once the process is complete.

We keep your data for 8 years to comply with regulatory and anti-money laundering laws.