Exchanging currencies
How to exchange currencies
To exchange money between any of your currency accounts:
If you don't have that currency account yet, take a look at our instructions on how to add one.
Exchange fees
A 0.6% fee is applied to any exchanges above your fair usage allowance according to your plan. Exchange mark-up fees below apply to all plans.
On market hours (23:00 GMT Sun to 22:00 GMT Fri)
- No foreign exchange fees. We don’t charge fees on public holidays unless they fall outside foreign exchange market hours.
Out of foreign exchange market hours (22:00 GMT Fri to 23:00 GMT Sun). We fix the rate we provide to protect ourselves against fluctuations. This means:
- A 1% fee applies to all currency exchanges
About exchange rates
The exchange rate is constantly fluctuating. This means that the amount of money you receive will depend on the exchange rate that was in effect when you locked in the exchange.
The rate we lock outside of foreign exchange market hours may not be the same as the rate that's available when the markets are open.
For incoming transfers, different fees may apply. See transfer fees.