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Koinly crypto tax reports

Koinly services are available in more than 100 countries. Please check if your country is supported before completing the purchase. See this page to view the full list of supported countries.

Register through Revolut to get a 20% discount on Koinly’s reports. Revolut crypto users with fewer than 250 transactions qualify for a 60% discount, applied at checkout.


To be eligible for a Koinly’s discount, you must be:

  • A first-time user of Koinly services
  • A Revolut customer

Make sure your Revolut app is updated to the latest version before visiting Koinly's website to set up an account.

To find Koinly offer in-app:

  • Go to 'Crypto' section on the bottom menu
  • Tap 'More'
  • Select 'Tax report'

T&Cs apply, and you’re solely responsible for filing your own taxes.

Creating tax reports

Register via Revolut to auto-sync your transactions. Other accounts can be linked with read-only APIs or upload transactions manually via CSV or Excel files.

Your tax report becomes available immediately after payment. For registration, you’ll need to provide your name, email, and sync your Revolut crypto data with Koinly. For more information, you can refer to this page.

Koinly support

You’re responsible for your tax filings and should seek independent advice. Koinly generates a report of your crypto tax gains for the year. If you encounter issues or have questions post-purchase, please reach out to Koinly’s support via their website or at [email protected].

Remember, while Revolut offers a discount, it doesn’t provide Koinly’s services directly.