Top Movers
The Top Movers list shows the stocks with the largest percentage price changes over the selected time horizon. There are two filters that can be adjusted:
- Type of movement: filter by Top gainers to see a list of stocks that made the biggest percentage price increases, or by Top losers for the biggest percentage declines.
- Time horizon: the default time horizon is set to the past 1 day, but other options include the past 1 week, the past 1 month, the past 1 year or the past 5 years.
Percentage price changes are calculated as follows:
If the time horizon is set for the past day, the percentage price change is calculated by comparing the current price and the previous full market day’s close. Note: Market hours are from 14:30 - 21:00 GMT), e.g:
- During market hours: On Wednesday 15:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 the percentage price change will be a comparison between the Wednesday 15:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 price and the Tuesday Feb 8, 2022 Market close price,
- Out of market hours: On Wednesday 10:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 the percentage price change will be a comparison between the Wednesday 10:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 price and the Monday Feb 7, 2022 Market close price.
For all other time horizons, the percentage price change is calculated by comparing the current price and the previous open rate for the selected time horizon. Note: Market hours are from 14:30 - 21:00 GMT.
- During market hours: If the feature is set on past 1 week, on Wednesday 15:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 the percentage price change will be a comparison between the Wednesday 15:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 price and the Wednesday Feb 2, 2022 Market open price,
- Out of market hours: On Wednesday 10:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 the percentage price change will be a comparison between the Wednesday 10:30 (GMT), Feb 9, 2022 price and the Wednesday Feb 2, 2022 Market open price.