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Revolut <18 earn

Setting and managing challenges

With Revolut <18 Earn, the parent or guardian can set challenges for their child, such as household chores, and determine their earnings for completing the challenges. Your child can also request challenges from their own <18 app, but your approval is required.

Challenges can be one-time or recurring events. You can set daily, weekly, or monthly repetitions in-app. You can edit or delete the challenges you’ve set up at any time.

Create a challenge

In the main Revolut app:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Below your balance, tap 'Accounts'
  • Select your child’s <18 account
  • Scroll down and tap 'Challenges'
  • Tap the plus (+) icon in top-right corner
  • Provide a description of the challenge and choose the frequency
  • Tap 'Continue'