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Legal entities for a Revolut Business account

Revolut Business is available for the majority of legal types of business, although there are some exceptions. These exceptions include charities, public sector companies, cooperatives, and more.

Supported business types

  • Società a responsabilità limitata
  • Semplice società a responsabilità limitataImpresa individuale/ Imprenditore
  • Società per azioni
  • Società in nome collettivo
  • Società semplice
  • Società in accomandita semplice

Unsupported business types

  • Publica amministrazione
  • No-profit
  • Fondazione
  • Società cooperativa
  • Consorzio
  • Other

Creating an account for any other business types will be at Revolut’s discretion. Go to unsupported industries for more information.