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Is my private information safe?

Yes, our policies and procedures are designed to protect both your confidentiality and the security of your information, including your non-public personal information.

We store and process your personal information using third-party servers located in secure data centres, that are protected by firewalls and have restricted access in compliance with applicable regulations.

All data passed between Revolut mobile apps, our servers, and third parties are 2048-bit SSL encrypted. Sometimes when we send personal data to some of our advertising partners for our own marketing purposes, in order to offer more protection to you, we will send this data in 'hashed' form. Hashing data is the process of turning personal information such as name and email address into numbers as a way of anonymising and protecting that personal data.

Information will be hashed locally on a browser and then sent to the social media or advertising platform in its hashed form. If you do not want Revolut to send your hashed data to our advertising partners, then please opt out in the Privacy section.