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How to make cash deposits

Testing phase

As the cash deposit feature is still in its testing phase, we're gradually rolling it out to customers in batches. If you don't see it yet, update your Revolut app to the latest version and check again. If it's still not there, it means it's not available for you yet.

We'll notify you once this feature is available to you and we appreciate your patience in the meantime. The customers that get to test this feature are selected automatically, and we can't manually change this.

How to deposit cash

In the Revolut mobile app:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Tap 'Add money'
  • Set the currency to EUR
  • Tap 'Change' and select 'Deposit cash'
  • Tap 'Continue' and 'Allow location access'
  • Find a deposit location and tap 'Deposit cash'
  • Enter the amount of cash you plan to deposit and tap 'Continue'
  • Present the barcode to the cashier at your chosen retailer
  • Deposit cash and get a receipt

Your barcode will be valid for 30 minutes, but you can always get a new one. If you want to change the amount, tap 'See barcode' from your 'Home' screen and 'Cancel deposit'. Follow the steps again to generate a new barcode.

Fees, limits, and timeframes

All cash deposits will incur a 2.5% fee.

Cash deposits are limited to:

  • 600 € per deposit
  • no limit per calendar day
  • 750 € per calendar month
  • 5,000 € per calendar year

The funds usually take 8–10 minutes to appear on your Revolut account. However, in some cases it may take up to 30 minutes.

Helpful tips

  • You'll get a warning if your deposit amount is below the minimum or above the maximum
  • You can only deposit EUR
  • You'll need to have version 9.15 or higher of the Revolut app installed on your device to use this feature
  • Your barcode can be easily accessed from your 'Home' screen
  • Be sure to get your deposit receipt from the cashier
  • We currently don't support deposits made outside your country of residence