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Dispute a card payment

Contact the merchant

​​Most refunds can be processed by the merchant without a dispute. If you still need to dispute the transaction, evidence of the merchant response will significantly help your case.

How to dispute a card transaction

If you are unsuccessful with the merchant, follow these steps to dispute the card transaction:

  1. Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  2. Click 'See all' to open transactions list 
  3. Select the relevant transaction (if you have multiple to report, you will be able to add them in the form)
  4. Click 'Get help'
  5. Choose 'I want to dispute this payment'
  6. Complete the form

Update on a raised dispute

To track the progress of your dispute:

  1. Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner 
  2. Tap 'Help' and choose 'Active requests'  
  3. Select the relevant claim for more detail

To learn more about dispute process and timelines, read this FAQ.

If your dispute is successful, you'll receive the funds into your account. If your dispute is rejected or cancelled, you can review the reason in the dispute tracker or in the email we will send you. To find the dispute tracker, follow the steps above or click the disputed transaction.