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Robo-Advisor suitability questionnaire

Robo-Advisor customers complete a suitability questionnaire as part of the in-app sign-up process (read this FAQ to learn more about opening a Robo-Advisor account). The questionnaire focuses on:

  • Your individual financial situation
  • Risk tolerance
  • Investment experience
  • Knowledge
  • Objectives

After you complete the suitability questionnaire, you’ll receive your suitable model portfolio and its composition.

How are the questionnaire answers used?

Your information will be used to create an investment strategy and model portfolio that aligns with your financial situation, risk tolerance, investment experience, knowledge, and objectives.

Change suitability questionnaire answers

If you change your answers on your suitability questionnaire, it can impact your investment portfolio. For example, if you update your risk tolerance to be more conservative, your portfolio might be adjusted to include more conservative investments.

Periodic reviews

Robo-Advisors are required to conduct periodic reviews of their customers' circumstances. At regular intervals, you may be asked to complete a new questionnaire to make sure your investment portfolio is still suitable for you.

On an annual basis, you’ll be prompted to confirm if there have been any significant changes to your personal circumstances, in which case you’ll be able to update your information as needed.