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Criteria for sustainability preferences in Robo-Advisor portfolio

Our app allows you to specify your preferences for investments into companies whose activities specifically contribute to environmental objectives, environmental or social objectives, and/or consider principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors.

Principal adverse impacts (PAIs)

The negative effects that investment decisions can have on sustainability factors, including environmental, social, and governance issues. The sustainability factors are grouped into different categories, that generally include the activities' negative impact on climate and biodiversity, water pollution, waste management, and various social and labour issues.

Our app allows you to select the PAI categories that matter most to you. Based on your preferences, we customise your portfolio to include investments that aim to minimise negative impacts on these selected categories while maximising positive outcomes. This ensures that your investments align with your values and contribute to sustainable development in a meaningful way.

Environmentally sustainable investments

As defined by Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (the 'Taxonomy Regulation'), investments that significantly contribute to one or more of the pre-defined environmental objectives, do not significantly harm any other environmental objectives, and are subject to certain minimum safeguards and technical screening criteria.

The six environmental objectives set by the Taxonomy Regulation include climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, sustainable use, and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.

These investments typically involve companies or projects that actively work towards reducing their environmental footprint. Our app allows you to select a minimum proportion of your portfolio that you wish to allocate to environmentally sustainable investments.

Sustainable investment

Investment in an economic activity that contributes to environmental objectives (e.g. energy efficiency, use of renewable energy, raw materials, water and land, the impact on biodiversity and the circular economy, etc.) or social objectives (e.g. tackling inequality, fostering social cohesion, labour relations, etc.), does not significantly harm any other environmental or social objectives, and includes good governance at investee companies.

Our app allows you to select a minimum proportion of your portfolio that you wish to allocate to sustainable investments.