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Freeletics access

To access your Freeletics subscription (available to Premium, Metal, and Ultra customers) in-app:

  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Select 'Your plan'
  • Scroll down until you see your plan's benefits and tap 'See all'
  • Select 'Freeletics' and follow the instructions to activate this benefit

Once that’s done, you’ll be subscribed to the Training Coach plan. This includes a digital personal trainer, which uses human-augmented AI to learn from 55 million users worldwide, and determine exactly which exercises and workouts best match your abilities and goals. You’ll also get custom-created workout plans specifically tailored to you, and super-effective HIIT training.

Subscription issues

If you have any issues subscribing to Freeletics, we recommend visiting their website or contacting their Customer Support team at [email protected] email address.

If you have an existing subscription, you can deactivate it in the Freeletics app. If cancellation isn't possible, please wait until your current subscription expires before unlocking this benefit with Revolut.

This benefit is available to Premium, Metal, and Ultra customers in selected countries only. If you decide to end your subscription at any time, you'll automatically lose access to this benefit.